
Kalalou is a leading designer and supplier of the most unique, fun, and fascinating products to be found in the home accents, garden decor, and gift arenas. For over 30 years they have traveled the lesser known corners of the world in an effort to bring to market "that look"... their look... the look that has blazed a path in their industry and not only weathered, but triumphed with incredible growth over the worst economy in our lifetime!  We think you'll be impressed by their commitment to working with recycled/sustainable materials, and dedication to improving the lives of those within the regions they travel and work.
a-frame acrylic painting adjustable adjustable shelves aloe American flag angel angel ornament angels antique brass antique gold antique white aperitif aperitif glasses apothecary arched mirror art print art prints artificial flowers artificial plant artificial plants artisan artwork at west end autumn baby Jesus bamboo bamboo lantern bamboo pendant bar barware basket bat bathroom cabinet beach beach bike beach cruiser beach decor beach house beagle bedside table bee bee skep bells bird bird planter bird wall hook black and gold black cat blue and white bookcase bookshelf boots bottle brush bottle brush trees bow bow tie bowl bowtie brass brass bells bubble vase bubbles bull dog bulldog bunny butterfly cabinet cactus candelabra candle candle holder candle holders candle stands candy bowl cane cane frame canister canvas card holder cardinals carolers carved mirror carved wood cast iron cast iron candle holders cast iron taper holders cast iron wall hook caster wheels casters cat cat planter ceiling cap centerpiece ceramic ceramic bowl ceramic canister ceramic planter ceramic planters ceramic plate ceramics chair chair planter champagne champagne flute champagne glasses charcuterie charcuterie board chargers cheese board cheetah chest of drawers chest of drawers planters Christmas Christmas card holder Christmas decor Christmas ornament Christmas sign Christmas stocking christmas tree Christmas trees Christmas yard art church circle design clay clock coastal coastal art coastal colors coastal decor cocktail table coco twig coffee mug coffee table Colombian colorful console console table coral corrugated metal corrugated tin coupe glasses cowboy boots crab creche cross back chair crustacean cube display cylinder lantern dahlias deer deer wall hanging dimensional wall art dining chair dinner plates dinnerware display display cabinet display shelf display tower distressed distressed finish distressed metal dog dog planter dog treat jar dome door hanger dressing room mirror driftwood drinkware duck duck feet Easter Easter basket Easter rabbit egret electric wall sconce embossed entryway eucalyptus Fall fall decor fall display faux concrete faux flowers faux lavender faux plant faux plants faux potted plant faux pumpkins felt fern fiddle leaf fig fish fish tale wall sculptures fish tales flag fleur de lis flip sign floor lamp floral floral candelabra floral decor floral mirror floral prints floral vase flower flower bar flower shaped flower vase flower votive holder flowers foliage folk art footed planter forged iron fork framed framed flag framed mirror framed print framed prints frog full length mirror galvanized metal game set garden decor garden gnome garden planter garland ghost ghosts giant hurricane gift sleigh glass glass candle holder glass chimes glass hurricane glass hurricanes glass pitcher glass vase glass votive holders glasses glassware gnome goblet gold gold petals good luck gourds Greek green greenery grey willow gunmetal hair bow Halloween Halloween decor hand carved hand hammered handing bells handled baskets hanging bells hanging bird planters hanging mirror hanging planter hanging wall shelf happy fall happy holidays happy new year harvest Heneken heron hibiscus hobnail holiday holiday decor holiday door hanger holiday ornament holiday sign holiday stocking holiday tree holiday trees holy family hooked pillow hurricane hurricanes ice cream ice cream bowl ice cream dish industrial iron jack-o-lantern jack-o-lanterns jingle bell jingle bell garland jingle bells Joseph jute jute string kalalou kings kitchen light koi koi fish lake house lamp lantern lanterns lavender lazy susan leaning mirror leather seat leaves lemons light fixture lighting limestone linen linen wrapped lobster luminaries luminary manger mango wood marble Mary medicine cabinet merry christmas metal metal candelabra metal flowers metal lanterns metal mirror metal petals metal shade miniature pumpkins mirror mistletoe modern moose moths mug mushroom mushrooms musical instruments mustard nativity naughty nesting nice nightstand nutcracker ocean octopus oil painting orange organic shape ornament outdoor living outdoor seasonal decor oval mirror oyster shell oyster shell candle holder oyster shells painted painting pantry paper mache paper towel holder patina pelican pendant pendant light perforated perforated metal photo holder pig pillar candles pink pitcher plant display plant stand planter planters plants plate charger plates platter porch decor potted plant pressed metal tiles pressed tin print prints produce produce tower pulley lamp pumpkin pumpkin stack pumpkins purple putka pods rabbit raffia raffia shade rainbow rattan rattan mirror reclaimed wood recycled recycled glass recycled glass champagne flute recycled metal recycled wood red reindeer ribbed glass ribbed glass hurricane rolling rolling display rolling shelf ruffled rustic rustic edge sage sailboat sailing sailor salad bowl salad plates Santa Santa Claus scalloped scalloped shade sconce sculpture sea horse seagrass seagrass fan light seashore seasonal decor serveware serving bowls serving stand shaped mirror shark sheep shelf shelves shelving shore birds shorebirds shot glass shot glasses sign sled sleigh sloth snowman snowmen sofa planter soup bowl spider spoon spray Spring square hurricane square hurricanes square vase squiggle squiggle frame stacked ball statue stemless wine glass stemware stocking stocking holder stonewash storage baskets store display storm succulent succulent planter succulent planters succulents table table clock table lamp tableware taper candle taper candles taper holder taper holders tapers tassels tea glass tea light tea light holder teak tealight holder terracotta terracotta planters terrarium textured glass hurricane three kings tic tac toe tiered tiered display tilted pitcher tray display trays treat display treat jar tree trees trick or treat tropical tulips tuna turquoise twig twig placemat urban farmhouse vase vase fillers vases verdigris village vintage vintage inspired votive holder wall art wall cabinet wall clock wall decor wall flowers wall hook wall lamp wall mirror wall planter wall rack wall sconce wall sculpture wall shelf water glass wavy frame we three kings welcome whale when pigs fly white wicker willow wine glass wine topper wire wire baskets wire caging wire shade wise men witch wood wood candle holders wood coffee table wood lanterns wood mirror wood placemat wood plant stand wood platter wood shelves wood wall mirror wooden candleholders woven bamboo woven cane woven pot yard art yard stakes yellow